Thursday, March 8, 2012

Riding a Bike

Right after we had Miles, Dustin and I got a little excited thinking about all the fun childhood things we'd get to relive with Miles.

We got a few chuckles when Miles received a bicycle for Christmas, but we explained this was a gift we'd hold until the summer when it would be warm and he'd be big enough to ride.
Yesterday, I had to beg Miles to come inside from riding. He hunkers down near the handle bars and says, "Miles go fast!"
On cold days. He flies around the bike shop "racing" Pops.
I have a feeling he's going to want those training wheels off before this mama is ready.
This is a preview of many bad school photos to come.
Free Desk :-)  Thanks, MOPS swap!
2-year-old visit to Dr. Ellis...27lbs and 34in