For those of you that wanted the details: Miles and I went to the strawberry farm. After picking, we were petting the goats, when I thought a stick was poking my leg. I looked down, and a 3ft long black snake was hanging from my leg. I screamed bloody murder, shook my leg like crazy, knocking down 2 children on a field trip. It finally let go, but when I turned around, it had Miles cornered against the fence with its head all reared up. I yanked Miles straight up & out of the way. He thought it was so cool to see a snake. Miles tells everyone it was black & quiet. We later learned it was a black racer. They hunt during the day and definitely bight if they feel threatened.
The doctor did want to check me out just to make sure the bite looked ok and to check I had a recent Tetanus shot. I have some crazy "flash backs," but I am physically fine!
Let's just pray this is my 1 and only snake bite experience!
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