Friday, January 6, 2012

New Job

I never saw myself as "mommy" material, much less a stay-at-home mom, but that is the direction God led me this year. I cried many mornings at work during car duty, envious of those mothers driving their big SUVs, wearing workout clothes, dropping their beautiful children off at school. Then, I found myself in my own version of that image this week dressed in new workout clothes, walking my beautiful Miles into play school, and heading off in my VW wagon. I actually laughed out loud when I realized it. It's not often our dreams come true. I know this is not an outrageous dream, but it is the only dream I've had for 2 years. I am a whole new person: energized; excited about life; not dreading every morning; planning fun (free) things to do; even cooking meals! I am so grateful for the people God put in my path to make this possible.


  1. Being a SAHM is such a wonderful experience. I enjoyed the year and a half I spent at home with Lilly-Belle and Colson. I don't know if another leave of absense will be possible when we have another child, but if it is I will be so thankful. It truly made my heart sing to be at home with them and I know you will treasure this time with Miles too!

  2. So happy for you!!!! Way to go!
