Friday, October 22, 2010

Poor Baby

Miles had surgery this week.  I was prepared to boo hoo when I saw my screaming child after surgery, but it was just the opposite.  They took me to a small quiet room with a rocking chair.  I greeted a groggy baby who cuddled up immediately to nurse and go back to sleep.  I had also geared myself up to go back into newborn mode: sleep when the baby sleeps, etc., but he slid right back into his routine.  He is such a trooper!  The worst part has been strapping him into the car seat 48 hours later and hearing whimpers and seeing him grab at the buckle near his incisions.  Poor little buddy!  I was fine to go back home with him, even though my errands weren't done.  Actually, I'd be happy to stay home with him EVERY day.  I am amazed at how much I get done and how happy I am being home with the little man.  I am a different person.  I like this person and this life much better.  Oh, well.