Saturday, June 30, 2012

First Summer

I graduated from Salem 10 years ago and married my high school sweetheart a few months later. As teachers, this is our first summer "off" together in those 10 years. One of us has always been in school.
I'm not going to lie. I was nervous. I felt like the first of the few summers of my stay-at-home mom life came WAY too fast. Plus, the three of us have never spent this much time together.
What am I learning?
1. Routine-nice to have one but it's ok if the pool, friends, or good food give us a reason to adjust
2. Freedom-nice to head off to teach a piano lesson or run to the store and have Daddy at home with the boy
3. BEACH!!! - nice that my Aunt moved to the beach last year (a month's not too long to stay, right?!)

Needless to say: I'm loving life. Thanks, again, Dustin!

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