Saturday, June 30, 2012

First Summer

I graduated from Salem 10 years ago and married my high school sweetheart a few months later. As teachers, this is our first summer "off" together in those 10 years. One of us has always been in school.
I'm not going to lie. I was nervous. I felt like the first of the few summers of my stay-at-home mom life came WAY too fast. Plus, the three of us have never spent this much time together.
What am I learning?
1. Routine-nice to have one but it's ok if the pool, friends, or good food give us a reason to adjust
2. Freedom-nice to head off to teach a piano lesson or run to the store and have Daddy at home with the boy
3. BEACH!!! - nice that my Aunt moved to the beach last year (a month's not too long to stay, right?!)

Needless to say: I'm loving life. Thanks, again, Dustin!

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Snake Bite

For those of you that wanted the details: Miles and I went to the strawberry farm. After picking, we were petting the goats, when I thought a stick was poking my leg. I looked down, and a 3ft long black snake was hanging from my leg. I screamed bloody murder, shook my leg like crazy, knocking down 2 children on a field trip. It finally let go, but when I turned around, it had Miles cornered against the fence with its head all reared up. I yanked Miles straight up & out of the way. He thought it was so cool to see a snake. Miles tells everyone it was black & quiet. We later learned it was a black racer. They hunt during the day and definitely bight if they feel threatened.
The doctor did want to check me out just to make sure the bite looked ok and to check I had a recent Tetanus shot. I have some crazy "flash backs," but I am physically fine!
Let's just pray this is my 1 and only snake bite experience!

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Break

Spring break was never a huge deal to me. I remember going to Charleston in 2001 as a junior in college. Actually, I would like to relive that week, if any of my Salem girls are interested :-)
Last year, my small little family hit Carolina Beach. Wow, we feel too comfortable there! Being a local would be no stretch for me.
This year, I almost forgot.
Easter is such the pinnacle of the Christian year, I hadn't thought past it.
Miles is starving for time with Daddy. I am SO glad it's here.
Let the fun begin :-)
Spiderman = our new superhero!

Mommy has now learned that the trunk of the station wagon is NO place to hide Easter gifts, but Miles loves his new "beach jeep!"

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Riding a Bike

Right after we had Miles, Dustin and I got a little excited thinking about all the fun childhood things we'd get to relive with Miles.

We got a few chuckles when Miles received a bicycle for Christmas, but we explained this was a gift we'd hold until the summer when it would be warm and he'd be big enough to ride.
Yesterday, I had to beg Miles to come inside from riding. He hunkers down near the handle bars and says, "Miles go fast!"
On cold days. He flies around the bike shop "racing" Pops.
I have a feeling he's going to want those training wheels off before this mama is ready.
This is a preview of many bad school photos to come.
Free Desk :-)  Thanks, MOPS swap!
2-year-old visit to Dr. Ellis...27lbs and 34in

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Closet

I finally resolved to begin the attack on my closet today. It's become a catch-all for Miles' dress clothes & clothes he's not ready for, movies Miles would destroy if left out, and my shoe & clothes "collection."
COLLECTION is the key word here. It struck me as I was sorting through the closet that I could tell exactly who I was with when I purchased these clothes.
MOM: super conservative dress clothes
MOM-IN-LAW: versatile & classic
DUSTIN: Ralph Lauren or as short as possible
ME: the same piece of clothing in every color because it fit

On a side note, we had a blast at Great Wolf Lodge!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Tears...on the flip side

I cried this week.  I accidentally hit my arm really hard, cried, and then stopped, thinking, "when was the last time I cried?"  Then, I cried just a few seconds longer in excitement that I couldn't remember the last time I'd cried.  A year ago, I was quite possibly in the darkest place of my life.  It is so exciting to finally realize I'm on the flip side.  I entered this school year really hoping I was only going to work until Christmas.  I taught my favorite lessons, didn't sweat the small stuff, and was able to get out of bed each morning hoping this would all end soon.  With encouragement from close friends and family, I resigned to talk it all out with a therapist.  In session #1, she looked at me and said point blank the only way I was ever going to be happy was to be at home with Miles and that I actually deserved it.  She was right.  
Sunday afternoon fro yo date with Daddy

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Almost 2

As a teacher, one thing I did not have patience for was whining. Students that constantly turn on the waterworks got no attention from me.
Now, I'm finding myself living with an almost 2-year-old that does just that, and I have patience I didn't know I was capable of. Of course, one reason is that he can't always communicate his frustrations in words. I'm still figuring out how to best handle his meltdowns, but I still can't get over the compassion and understanding God grants me as his mom.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 3: Dustin

The highlights of this week were not mommy revelations but the time I spent with Dustin.

This week, Dustin and I went on our first date together in 6 months.  We cuddled up in a booth at Green Valley, ordered dessert and coffee first (his idea), and watched football.  He even took me to see a movie afterward (which happens once a year).  We held hands and alternated eating popcorn and candy.  I'm so glad I'm married to a man who still takes me on dates.

Dustin and I discussed our classrooms each night over dinner.  I've watched him play trumpet at gigs since he was 15, but when I walked into his band room this week, I realized I'd never seen him teach or conduct.  His teaching situation is not easy, and I was so proud to see how his hard work is paying off.  The students show him respect, and his pep band sounds great.

I am married to an amazing man.  We've grown up together.  He is a wonderful father to Miles, and his love for me showed the most when he helped keep our household and family going as I was crumbling and then let me do what I needed to be happy.  I know the pressure on him is greater now than ever, but he doesn't let it show.

I can't believe this is where we are nearly 10 years into our marriage.  I kind of feel like we've finally made it: strange!

Look who got carpet burn from crawling nose to the ground down the hallway...(still cute, though)


Friday, January 13, 2012

Week 2 "At Home"

I put at home in quotes, because we don't sit at home. Many acquaintances have asked if I'm going stir crazy yet, but my friends ask what Miles and I have been up to.
We've worked out something fun and small to do most days. I actually love scouring the Internet to see what fun, free events are coming up.
Twitter has become a great resource for mommy ideas, encouragement, and advice.
Having the time to plan and cook meals is so foreign to me, but I've been successful. so far.
I am working 8-10hrs a week for an accountant. It's been a great outlet to challenge my brain and interact with adults who discuss about other topics than mommy stuff.
It's so strange how normal this life feels. I don't even think about my teaching job. I didn't realize how much I wasn't getting done. It takes me nearly 2 hrs while Miles sleeps to keep the everyday things in this house going. No wonder I came home each day and shut down. It was overwhelming.
My favorite thing is to hear Miles tell people, "mama home!"

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Job

I never saw myself as "mommy" material, much less a stay-at-home mom, but that is the direction God led me this year. I cried many mornings at work during car duty, envious of those mothers driving their big SUVs, wearing workout clothes, dropping their beautiful children off at school. Then, I found myself in my own version of that image this week dressed in new workout clothes, walking my beautiful Miles into play school, and heading off in my VW wagon. I actually laughed out loud when I realized it. It's not often our dreams come true. I know this is not an outrageous dream, but it is the only dream I've had for 2 years. I am a whole new person: energized; excited about life; not dreading every morning; planning fun (free) things to do; even cooking meals! I am so grateful for the people God put in my path to make this possible.